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Emotionoal Saturday Night

The next 9 Days i will show you my 9 favourite movies. So the First one is about 
Cancer. Its' called '50/50'.
This Movie is so emotional and sad that i've cried all the time. 

It's Adam. He's 27 years old and has got a girlfriend. One day his doctor todl him that he has got cancer. But like that is not enough he noticed that his girlfriend is not faithful.
So together with his Friends and his family he tries to get over the cancer and during this he noticed a new girl...

I love this movie 'cause everything is so close to reality. And after watching it i'm happy that i'm healthy and realize how happy i should be. so you HAVE TO look this! 

1 Kommentar:

  1. thanks for stopping by! this movie was absolutely incredible! plus ive been in love with joseph gordon levitt since the 10 things days which coincidentally i mention in my last post...weird....

